
This listener sets up a two-way connection to a VPP instance using Unix domain sockets. It will learn the server created by the VPP instance using the VPP Python API. The name of the socket endpoint it creates for itself (so VPP can send messages to DHCPKit) is specified as the name of the section.

With this listener DHCPKit can become a DHCPv6 server for VPP. You must list all VPP interfaces that DHCPKit should respond to.

VPP must be configured to create a punt socket:

punt {
    socket /run/vpp/punt_socket

This socket is used to send messages from DHCPKit back to VPP. You don’t need to specify this socket in the DHCPKit configuration, it will learn it through the VPP API.


<listen-vpp /run/vpp/client_socket>
    namespace-prefix foo

    <vpp-interface tap-0 />

    <vpp-interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2>
        reply-from fe80::1
        link-address 2001:db8::1

Section parameters

mark (multiple allowed)

Every incoming request can be marked with different tags. That way you can handle messages differently based on i.e. which listener they came in on. Every listener can set one or more marks. Also see the marked-with filter.

Default: “unmarked”


Namespace prefix for the API. When specifying a prefix in the VPP startup configuration:

api-segment {
    prefix foo

then specify foo here.

Example: “namespace-prefix foo”


Path to the JSON files that define the API. If left empty the default path for your system will be used.

Example: “api-definitions /usr/share/vpp/api”

Possible sub-section types

Vpp-interface (required, multiple allowed)
VPP Interface to listen on